Screenshot of empty form on mobile device.
How does FollowUp work?
FollowUp is a Web App that analyzes the followers and/or friends, of any given account and filters the results, according to certain selectable options. It shows the results in a scrollable list of self-contained results boxes, displaying various informative details, of the account being searched.
Screenshot of empty form on wide screen device.When it is first opened, by navigating to the FollowUp page, it presents the user with a simple form, after the main Twactiva logo header, the main menu and a line of ways, in which the page may be shared (via FaceBook, Twitter, Email, Pinterest,LinkedIn, WhatsApp or another social networking site,.There is also a button, allowing the user to print out the page.
Below the main Twactiva logo
After that, the FollowUp logo header appears, with a summary of the tool's purpose, the version number and the date of release of that version.
The search form
1) The next thing to appear is the form, itself, starting with the 'Account to search' field area, in which the account that is to be searched may be filled in. A search cannot be made, without specifying the account to be searched.
You must specify an account to search. Here, in this example, we have filled in the @twactiva account name. N.B. Don't include the @ sign.
Next to that is the main FollowUp submission button,which should be clicked, once the search parameters have all been set.
2) The first of those parameters is a choice between a search of followers or friends. Followers are those accounts that are following the account being searched. Friends are those, whom the account is following.
Select one option. Either search through the followers (default) or select friends.
3) Next, is the main filter field, in which the user can type keywords, to search for, within the followers' and/or friends' profiles i.e. their screen name, display name or description,
There is, also, a drop-down selection of search method. Searches can either include or exclude all of the words in the search box, any one of the words in the search box or the words, in the searcch box, treated as a phrase. The default is to include any word. Searches are not case-sensitive, so whether letters are capitalized or not is irrelevant.
The search results that will, then, be displayed will only be those that match the filter request.
The text filter field and, at left, the search method choice.
4) Next, it is possible to search only for those accounts that are following back the account being searched or which the account, beingsearched, is following them back (dependent upon whether 'Followers' or 'Friends' was selected in the above choice).
Select whether to include only those who follow back (or the account is following back) or not. You can also ask for both (default).
The bottom of the screen
At the bottom of the page, is some data about the page (its category, in Twactiva and the date the page was first published). Below that is the footer menu, although that may appear, to the right of the form, if the screen and/or the browser is a very wide one.
Finally, one may see links to the Twactiva 'Privacy Policy' and the 'Terms & Conditions' for use of the site.
The final line, at the bottom, is a simple copyright notice.